Branding across media Television,
business cards,
and much more...
Absolute control Edit on-the-go
or in the office...
audience approved.
Linear Design brings you
the audience you want...
Interactive Animation tells the story that text can't... Speed that drives mobile to you You can have SEO, MUO, and
have content that is highly
responsive to your customers...

Every brand begins with a well-thought-out plan.

One nice thing about working with christinate is that we help you create that plan, that image, and that brand. From idea to realization, your company’s image becomes real with us, using the latest in technology, pages you can change in real-time, and guiding you to content that drives traffic. First, let’s talk about the tech in human terms.

  • Top Blogs 48% 48%
  • Top Corporate 30% 30%
  • All Websites 19% 19%
48% of the top blogs in the world use the technology we build on. We are a WordPress developer. WordPress is a Content Management System or CMS that allows for you to easily add content to your site. Whether its with custom plugins we build or custom pages, we create what you want.

Of the top 1,000,000 companies in the world, 30% of their sites use the technology we use. The other 70% don’t use a CMS at all and use custom pages instead. And yes, we do both custom pages and CMS so when we design a site, you’re getting the best you can get with us.

19% of all websites in the world use the content-management system we develop most sites with, making it familiar and easy to learn. Most of your employees probably have had experience with it before, in fact, since 75 million web sites use WordPress.

What most developers will do when they begin building a site for you is use cookie-cutter themes and pre-made graphics. Christinate develops themes professionally for your unique use, relying only on content we have made in-house so that we know it’s secure, uniquely yours, and easy-to-use. Your brand deserves its own look and feel. Don’t let a cookie-cutter site stop your company in its tracks. Rely on christinate to develop a site that truly gives your brand the emotion that can be memorable.

When we are developing a site for you, here’s how we do it.

Pre-production & Planning

Stage One includes the setup of your domain name, your hosting and software setup, and the central design of your brand across all media platforms. This is where the magic happens. At this point, we know what is expected of us and are beginning to deliver it.

We write scripts for video and radio. We storyboard for animations, video, and photographs.  And lastly, plan out equipment necessary for any content generation.

Photo gathering, restoration, and adjustment is also done at this stage.


Development & Design

Now we begin to implement creation and development of your custom software, design of your site, and building the engagement platforms for your customer interactions.

We gather all the materials from Step 1, add in more materials from you if you have them, and start laying out the design.

If content generation is required, this is when video is shot, radio is recorded, and photography is snapped.

By the time this step is finished, you have your main draft of the site and other media. You’re given updates throughout the whole process.


Delivery & Training

Once it gets closer to launch, depending on your needs, you might have A/B testing and audience performance metrics to envision the site’s potential.

We start doing real-time site tests and live tests with you to make sure it’s ready for launch.

We begin training you to edit the site, make modifications, and add content. We show you how to maintain brand performance, look, and feel for what we’ve created for you so you can be sure it will be consistent in the future.

Then we launch the site and the real business begins.


Call christinate today and get your company presence the right way.
