Portfolio (noun): An example of what clients have wanted in the past.

Web design, logos, illustrations, photography, print, commercials, apps, and radio spots, are some of the services we offer when building your brand with us. While this page is simply a taste of what we have done, this is also a demonstration of the variety of work we have accomplished. We have also done a large portion of our high-end work under “public non-disclosure,” which means we can show you more of our portfolio privately when you call for a proposal, including commercials, feature films, radio spots, custom print jobs, and more.

Web Design

Designing a web site means building a reservoir of information. Most web sites simply put all their information up with no direction or guidance for the customer. With christinate original linear design, we use metrics, feedback, and scientific research to custom build a site that drives clicks, pulls in readers, and engages them with content that they can easily remember. Call us and begin optimizing your online brand now.

Logos & Illustration

Your brand should be primal. Your illustration should have emotion. Your logo should tell a story.  Every part of your company should elicit the emotions you want in your customers. For example, in the subwoofer cover below, it’s exploding with fire and the power of sound. When we joined the Art Director team to build a new cover, the moment we sent it out with fire and explosion was the moment advertisers became excited. It was published almost immediately. It became the most successful special edition for that publisher at the time. Our abilities range from technical to expressive, depending on what we want to elicit from your customer. Tell us what your story is.

Art Direction & Photography

Having an experienced art director on board means having direction for your brand. Whether it is for generating new assets, like photography, to assembling a design that gets in your head. When you need a project from start to finish that turns heads and conveys the ideas you want, you call christinate.

Print Layout

Having been published worldwide, in several dozen magazines, books, and special editions, we bring the juggernaut of publishing experience to the table. When it comes to Art Direction and layout design for graphic designers to easily fill, christinate original linear design brings readers to you. Have a book or magazine you’re ready to get published but need a look that is professional and connects your brand to your content? Call us.

Call christinate today and get your company presence the right way.
